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The sustainability of online deliveries is a growing concern for consumers and retailers in 2022

The latest publication of the German-based online research firm yStats.com, “Asia-Pacific B2C E-Commerce Delivery 2023” provides insights into the current state and future trends of B2C E-Commerce deliveries in the Asia-Pacific region. Among other findings, the publication reveals the need for improvements such as delivery cost, speed and locations in the delivery process.

The sustainability of online delivery is a growing concern for online shoppers

The shift of consumers towards online shopping and deliveries as a result of the pandemic has increased the importance of sustainability among consumers and suppliers, as per the new yStats.com report. Online shoppers displayed a willingness to implement measures to decrease the environmental impact of the delivery process. A certain percentage of surveyed online shoppers reported that they would accept a longer delivery time if it meant a reduced environmental impact, as reported by the new yStats.com publication. Furthermore, online shoppers are also seen placing a heavy weight on carbon-neutral deliveries for domestic as well as cross-border parcels.

Home deliveries are still the most popular among online shoppers in Asia-Pacific

Home deliveries were the preferred delivery locations overall across different countries in Asia-Pacific, followed by deliveries to the workplace. In Thailand, a high double-digit percentage of online shoppers ranked home deliveries as their top preference, followed by Vietnam and Malaysia in 2021, as found by a survey cited in the new yStats.com report. Furthermore, most of the online shoppers in India were in favor of paying more for their online delivery if it meant a reliable delivery process or click-and-collect services.

Consumers across Asia-Pacific still see flaws in the online delivery process

According to the new yStats.com report, even with the growing demand and use of online delivery services, many consumers across different countries in the Asia-Pacific region have complaints about the logistics of their online deliveries. The cost, speed, and convenience of delivery were the most important aspects of delivery for consumers worldwide, including the Asia-Pacific region. In South Korea, delivery delays were among the main issues online and in-store shoppers encountered at the beginning of 2022. In Australia, the majority of online shoppers stated that a bad delivery experience of their order would influence their repurchase decision from the same retailer, displaying just how crucial a good online delivery process is to consumers and businesses.
