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Germany B2C E-Commerce Market Insights & Online Payment Trends 2024


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Countries Covered: Germany

Pages: 63

Publication Date: 23.05.2024

Questions Covered:

  • What is the forecasted value of retail E-Commerce sales in Germany by 2027?
  • What is the expected number of real-time transactions in Germany by 2026?
  • What were the leading B2C E-Commerce payment methods in Germany in 2023?
  • What percentage of online merchants reported increased B2C E-Commerce fraud in 2023?
  • What led to the dominance of fashion in Germany’s 2023 E-Commerce?

Key Findings:

In Germany, the Retail E-Commerce Sales are Projected to Exceed EUR 100 Billion by 2027, as Stated in the Latest Report by yStats.com

Germany’s Retail Landscape Growth

The retail sector in Germany is on an upward trajectory, with total retail sales projected to reach over EUR 600 billion in 2024. Online sales will play a significant role, comprising more than 13% of the total, with an estimated value of double-digit billion EUR in 2024. Furthermore, by 2027, retail E-Commerce sales are expected to soar to over EUR 100 billion.

Social Commerce: A Key Driver in Consumer Engagement

Social commerce is becoming an essential component of the retail experience in Germany, leveraging platforms such as Instagram and TikTok to enhance visibility and facilitate seamless shopping experiences. Around 90% of German consumers view social commerce positively, with more than half of consumers making purchases through these channels. However, many companies have yet to fully capitalize on social commerce, presenting a significant opportunity for those looking to improve customer retention, loyalty, and market presence.

Payment Trends and Challenges in E-Commerce

In 2023, PayPal and payment by invoice emerged as Germany’s leading B2C E-Commerce payment methods. The use of real-time transactions is projected to grow at a CAGR of over  24%, reaching more than 3 billion transactions by 2026. The share of real-time payments in transaction volume is expected to rise to nearly double-digit in 2026. Despite these advancements, over half of online merchants reported an increase in B2C E-Commerce fraud in 2023, highlighting the need for enhanced security measures, as mentioned in the yStats.com report.

Germany’s 2024 E-Commerce: Fashion Leads, FMCG Grows, and Player Overview

In Germany, fashion and accessories dominated the B2C E-Commerce market in 2023, accounting for over 20% of sales. The FMCG sector led annual online sales growth with a notable increase in 2024. Furthermore, in April 2024, Amazon.de was the top B2C E-Commerce and shopping website, capturing more than 20% of the total traffic share. Meanwhile, Chinese platform Temu emerged as a strong competitor, leveraging aggressive marketing and low pricing to attract a large consumer base.

1. Key Takeaways

2. Management Summary

3. Germany

3.1. B2C E-Commerce Market Overview

  • B2C E-Commerce Market Trends, April 2024
  • Total Retail Sales Volume, in EUR billion, & Online Sales Share, in %, 2018-2024f
  • Online Sales Value, in EUR billion, & Year-on-Year Change, in %, 2018-2024f
  • Total Change of Online Retail Sales, in EUR billion, 2017-2023
  • Retail E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, & Year-on-Year Change, in %, 2021-2027f
  • Share of B2C E-Commerce Making Up Total Retail Sales, 2023e & 2024f
  • Breakdown of Online Sales, by Marketplace Type, in %, 2022 & 2023
  • Breakdown of Attitude Towards the Future of B2C E-Commerce in the Next 5 Years, in % of Retail Decision Makers, September 2023
  • Share of Retail Decision Makers Who Assume That B2C E-Commerce Will Consolidate in the Coming Years, in %, September 2023
  • Top Areas of Potential For AI Use, in % of Retail Decision Makers, September 2023
  • Top Expectations Towards B2C E-Commerce Sales Volume, in % of Retail Decision Makers, September 2023
  • Factors of Influence on B2C E-Commerce in the Next 5 Years, in % of Retail Decision Makers, September 2023 (1 of 2)
  • Factors of Influence on B2C E-Commerce in the Next 5 Years, in % of Retail Decision Makers, September 2023 (2 of 2)

3.2. Cross-Border Commerce Insights

  • Origin of Cross-Border B2C E-Commerce Purchases, in % of Internet Users, 2023

3.3. Social Commerce Trends

  • Social Commerce Trends, April 2024
  • Top Effects of Social Commerce, by Consumer Type, in % of Consumers, January 2024

3.4. Online Payments Market Overview

  • Breakdown of B2C E-Commerce Sales, by Payment Methods, in %, 2023
  • Share of PayPal Making Up Total B2C E-Commerce Sales, 2022 & 2023
  • Share of Respondents Who Used eCash in the Past 12 Months and Stated It as Their Preferred Online Payment Method, in %, April 2023
  • Total Number of Real-Time Transactions, in billions, 2021 & 2026f
  • Breakdown of Transaction Volume, by Payments Instrument, in % of Total Payment Transaction Volume, 2021 vs 2026f
  • Share of Online Merchants Who Identified an Increase in B2C E-Commerce Fraud, in %, 2023e
  • Share of Adults With a Digital-Only Bank Account, in %, 2022* & 2027f

3.5. B2C E-Commerce Delivery Market

  • Breakdown of Average B2C E-Commerce Delivery Cost Charged to Online Shoppers, in % of Online Merchants, 2023
  • Breakdown of Average B2C E-Commerce Delivery Time, in % of Online Merchants, 2023
  • Share of Online Shoppers For Who Fast Delivery Was a Deciding Criteria When Choosing a Shipping Service Provider, in %, 2023
  • Breakdown of Return Rates of Online Purchases, in % of Online Merchants, 2023e
  • Top 10 Strategies to Avoid Online Returns, in % of Online Merchants, 2023e

3.6. B2C E-Commerce Product Categories

  • Breakdown of Retail E-Commerce Sales, by Product Category, in %, 2023
  • Share of Online Making Up Total Retail Sales, by Product Category, in % of Total Retail Sales, 2022 & 2023
  • Annual Retail E-Commerce Sales Change, by Product Category, in % of Year-on-Year Change, 2024
  • Total Online vs. Offline Retail Sales Change From 2019, by Product Category, in %, 2023
  • Breakdown of Formats in Online Sales, by Product Category, in %, 2023
  • Share of Online Sales Making Up Total Retail Sales, Food vs Non-Food, in % of Total Retail Sales, 2021-2023
  • Average Annual Online vs Offline Growth of Retail Sales, by Product Type, in % of Year-On-Year Growth, 2023

3.7. B2C E-Commerce Player Overview

  • Channels Through Which Stationary Retailers Sell Online, in % of Stationary Retailers, 2021-2023
  • Top B2C E-Commerce & Shopping Websites Ranking, % of Total Traffic Share, April 2024
  • Top B2C E-Commerce Marketplace Websites Ranking, % of Total Traffic Share, April 2024
  • Top Retail Websites, by Visits in Mil, Bounce Rate in %, and Pages Per Visit, March 2024 (1 of 2)
  • Top Retail Websites, by Visits in Mil, Bounce Rate in %, and Pages Per Visit, March 2024 (2 of 2)
  • Overview of B2C E-Commerce Platform Temu’s Market Entry, May 2024
  • Ali Baba Group
  • Amazon
  • Bauhaus
  • eBay
  • Hornbach
  • Ikea
  • Instagram
  • Kaufland
  • Lidl
  • Mediamarkt
  • Meta
  • Otto
  • PayPal
  • Rewe
  • Samsung
  • Temu
  • TikTok

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