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mobile payment trend worldwide

Online and Mobile Payments Worldwide to Top Three Trillion Euros in the Next Five Years

According to a new report published by Hamburg based yStats.com, “Global Online Payment Methods: Second Half 2014”, online and mobile payments continue to boom worldwide, set to top three trillion Euros in a few years. Payment method preferences of online shoppers vary by region and country, while a global trend is the lead…

Trend-Online: E-Commerce: Europe chooses credit cards

Europe chooses credit cards Original Title in Italian: E-commerce: l’Europa sceglie le carte di credito Il rapporto Ystats fotografa lo stato dell’e-commerce in Europa, i consumatori preferiscono i pagamenti con cara di credito. Con la diffusione dei Pos e il successo delle piattaforme di e-commerce i cittadini sono sempre più attratti…

Fibre2Fashion: Online payments in Asia are rising with ecommerce: yStats

Online payment option is increasing steadily in the Asia-Pacific region because of ecommerce, according to a report by Hamburg-based business intelligence organization yStats.com. In the region’s largest market, China, online and mobile payments are dominated by local third-party payment providers, such as Alipay and Tencent. In November 2014, Alibaba announced…