web analytics
global online travel markets

Mobile drives global online travel sales growth, according to a new report from yStats.com

A leading secondary market research firm, yStats.com, based in Hamburg, Germany, has released a new report titled “Global Online Travel Market 2016”. According to the research findings in this publication, mobile is seen as the main growth driver of the digital travel market, while peer-to-peer sharing services are the main…
frau and security in online payment

Security concerns affect online shoppers’ choice of payment methods, according to new research from yStats.com

Hamburg-based secondary market research specialist yStats.com released a new report titled “Fraud and Security in Global Online Payments 2016”. The publication reveals the growing volume of online payment fraud around the world. According to yStats.com’s CEO and founder, Yücel Yelken, “Our research shows that security concerns affect the adoption of…

What factors prevent global Internet users from shopping online?

Underdeveloped B2C E-Commerce in emerging markets is often blamed on low Internet penetration rates, poor logistics, insufficient regulatory framework and other infrastructure-related factors. However, surveys show that both in emerging and advanced markets, there are multiple reasons why consumers who already have Internet access do not yet buy goods and…
mobile payment trend worldwide

Convenience and speed drive the growth of mobile payments, new report by yStats.com reveals

“Global Mobile Payment Methods: First Half 2016” is the new addition to the online payment report series by Germany-based secondary market research specialist yStats.com. The report tells of drivers and barriers to mobile payment adoption worldwide, while also highlighting some recent product launches and revealing the payment methods used by…