web analytics

The Paypers: Emerging markets in Asia-Pacific ahead of advanced markets in the adoption of mobile payments

The share of individuals using mobile wallets in the emerging markets of Asia-Pacific was almost double that share in the advanced markets in mid-2015, a recent report shows. According to the research findings of yStats.com from the report titled “Asia-Pacific Online Payment Methods: Full Year 2015”, emerging markets in Asia-Pacific…
mobile payment trend worldwide

yStats.com: Asia-Pacific is one of the global leaders in mobile payments

A new report, titled “Asia-Pacific Online Payment Methods: Full Year 2015”, has been released by Germany-based secondary market research specialist yStats.com. The publication sheds light on the payment preferences of online shoppers in this region and reveals major trends and market developments. One of the report findings is that Asia-Pacific…
mobile payment trend worldwide

Online shoppers in Europe value their preferred online payment methods

A new report by Hamburg-based secondary market research company yStats.com highlights the developments in online payment methods across Europe in its new report. The publication titled “Europe Online Payment Methods: Full Year 2015” outlines the importance of suitable payment methods for encouraging both online purchases and in-store mobile payments. Over…

wall-street.ro: ECommerce share in Western Europe will fall under the assault of Asia / Original in Romanian: Cota eCommerce-ului in Europa de Vest va scadea sub asaltul Asiei

By: Alex Goaga Europa de Vest este a doua cea mai mare regiune eCommerce B2C din lume ca vanzari si va mai detine aceasta pozitie si in 2019. Dupa aceea insa, datorita extinderii zonelor Asia-Pacific, Europa de Vest va pierde circa un punct procentual din cota. Chiar si asa insa,…
mobile payment trend worldwide

The adoption of new online payment methods worldwide is driven by improved security and value-added features

“Global Online Payment Methods: Full Year 2015” is the title of the new publication by Germany-based secondary market research company yStats.com. Based on market information released in 2015, the report reveals the main trends and developments in global online payments. According to its findings, online shoppers’ preferences regarding payment methods…