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Actualidad ecommerce: B2C ECommerce, a booming market in Southeast Asia/El ECommerce B2C, un mercado en auge en el sudeste asiático

B2C ECommerce, a booming market in Southeast Asia Original Title in Spanish El ECommerce B2C, un mercado en auge en el sudeste asiático. Author: Eva María Rodríguez En esta nueva publicación, el especialista eCommerce B2C con sede en Alemania informa sobre el estado actual de los pagos online y el potencial del comercio…

mt.sohu.com: Apple, Samsung, Google, who is in the leader along with Alipay? / 苹果、三星、谷歌,谁能与支付宝一较高下?

Apple, Samsung, Google, who is in the leader along with Alipay? Original Title in Chinese:  苹果、三星、谷歌,谁能与支付宝一较高下? 今年,在中国风起云涌的互联网金融,以迅雷不及掩耳之势吹向了海外。 苹果公司的CEO库克称今年为“ApplePay年”,不仅在美国全力营销商户,还力推applepay 登陆了英国,获得了8家银行的支持。 就在苹果公司倾力推广ApplePay之际,谷歌直击ApplePay收费过高的软肋,强力推出AndroidPay。谷歌宣布,AndroidPay将不会对银行和发卡商收取交易手续费,这就成为与苹果竞争的杀手锏。 然而,这还不够,这样盛大的场合三星怎么能缺席呢? 8月份,三星移动支付SamsungPay在韩推出,仅仅过了半个月,便传出将发力美国,于9月28日在美公测的消息,这对苹果支付来说可是一个噩耗。 但是,这与中国有什么关系呢?与支付宝又有何关? 苹果、三星、谷歌支付功能入华梦 中国市场是一块大蛋糕,市场研究公司yStats.com的调查数据显示,亚太地区是全球移动支付用户普及率最高的地区之一,而中国,是亚太地区最大的市场。 Find the full article available at: http://mt.sohu.com/20150911/n420887980.shtml  

Global Trade: Online Retail in the Philippines Spurred by Rising Internet and Smartphone Penetration

Online Retail in the Philippines Spurred by Rising Internet and Smartphone Penetration Rising smartphone and internet penetration are the major factors contributing to development of business-to-consumer (B2C) ecommerce in the Philippines while the major challenges include payment and logistics infrastructures. Such are the conclusions of a recent report released by…

B2C E-commerce Booming Across Southeast Asia

B2C E-Commerce trends and developments in the emerging markets of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam were highlighted in a new report by secondary market research firm yStats.com, titled “Southeast Asia B2C E-Commerce Market 2015”. In this new publication, the Germany-based specialist in B2C E-Commerce and online payment market…

Global Trade: Mobile, social, and cross-border commerce driving online retail in Thailand

Mobile, social, and cross-border commerce driving online retail in Thailand. Internet Penetration, Trust in Online Payments, and Better Delivery Options Could Spur Growth. A new report by market research firm yStats.com describes the current state, trends and prospects of the online shopping market in Thailand. The report reveals that despite…