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InfraNews: Amazon is still the number one online shop worldwide

Amazon is still the number one online shop worldwide Original Title in Russian: Первый в мире интернет-магазин по-прежнему Amazon Amazon является крупнейшей компанией в мире по объему выручки от электронной коммерции в 2013 году, следует из доклада, опубликованного аналитической компанией yStats, опубликованного ТАСС. Выручка Amazon на уровне 74 млрд долларов США…

Techweb:China’s online retail sales accounted for more than one-third of the global share

China’s online retail sales accounted for more than one-third of the global share Original Title in Chinese: 中国网络零售销售额占全球份额将超过1/3 yStats.com 的新报告“中国B2C电子商务销售额预测:2015年到2018年”,强调了全球最大网购市场的增长前景。根据调查,主要的问题不是中国B2C电子商务是否会超过万亿大关,而是何时会超过。 在销售额方面,中国已经成为全球最大的网络零售市场,中国B2C 和C2C电子商务销售总额领先于美国、英国、日本等发达市场。同时中国也是销售额增长最快的前十个国家之一,超过诸如俄罗斯、巴西等新兴市场。按照这个趋 势,未来几年中国网络零售销售额占全球份额将超过1/3。 大部分调查对中国零售电子商务市场销售量和增长率的预测都不同,但是所有调查都有一个共识:未来几年中国网络零售销售额将以两位数增长率保持快速增长。调查也预测中国网购市场(包括B2C 和 C2C)将超过1万亿美元,虽然对达到这一指标的具体时间的预测各不相同。 中国网购市场蓬勃发展主要是因为中国庞大的人口,以及互联网络和移动网络覆盖率的增长,网民对网购越来越感兴趣。随着越来越多的消费者选择网购商 品,网络零售销售额占零售总销售额比例也在增长。跨境电子商务是最重要的趋势,但是,希望利用中国网购的蓬勃发展的外国企业应当了解中国最大的国内网络零 售平台:阿里巴巴的天猫和京东,去年都进行了国际上市。 Find out more: http://www.techweb.com.cn/data/2015-07-17/2176829.shtml

France to Remain One of the Leading European B2C E-Commerce Markets

The newest report published by Hamburg-based secondary market research company yStats.com, “France B2C E-Commerce Sales Forecasts: 2015 to 2018”, forecasts that France will observe a moderate growth rate, with sales reaching middle-range double-digit figures in EUR billion. Leading primary research sources forecast France to reach middle-range double-digit sales value figures…

Germany Is Predicted to Be the Fastest Growing B2C E-Commerce Market in Europe’s Top 3

A new publication by Germany-based secondary market research firm yStats.com, “Germany B2C E-Commerce Sales Forecasts: 2015 to 2018” reports on the prospects of Europe’s second largest B2C E-Commerce market. yStats.com’s CEO and founder, Yücel Yelken, reveals that Germany is predicted to be the fastest growing of the three largest B2C…

UK Is the World’s Leader in B2C E-Commerce Share of Total Retail Sales

A new report by Hamburg-based secondary market research organization yStats.com, “UK B2C E-Commerce Sales Forecasts: 2015 to 2018”, sheds light on the growth prospects of the world’s third largest online retail market. Though the market is already advanced, with B2C E-Commerce share of retail sales at double-digit numbers, it is…