web analytics

yStats.com Forecasts Online Retail Sales in Brazil to Top EUR 20 Billion in 2018

Hamburg-based market research organization yStats.com has released another report in the series about emerging B2C E-Commerce markets worldwide. “Brazil B2C E-Commerce Market 2014” reports on the potential of the largest online retail market in Latin America. According to yStats.com’s own forecast, B2C E-Commerce sales of goods in Brazil will top…

Trend-Online: E-Commerce: Europe chooses credit cards

Europe chooses credit cards Original Title in Italian: E-commerce: l’Europa sceglie le carte di credito Il rapporto Ystats fotografa lo stato dell’e-commerce in Europa, i consumatori preferiscono i pagamenti con cara di credito. Con la diffusione dei Pos e il successo delle piattaforme di e-commerce i cittadini sono sempre più attratti…

The Paypers: Asia-Pacific region registers both ecommerce and online payments boost

The online payments market in the Asia-Pacific region has registered growth, in tandem with an ecommerce boost, a recent report reveals. According to a research conducted by ystats.com, in China, online and mobile payments are dominated by local third-party payment providers, such as Alipay and Tencent. The number of online…


OVERVIEW OF THE RUSSIAN E-COMMERCE MARKET BY EXPERTS YSTATS.COM Original Title in Russian: ОБЗОР РОССИЙСКОГО РЫНКА ЭЛЕКТРОННОЙ КОММЕРЦИИ ОТ ЭКСПЕРТОВ YSTATS.COM Как сообщается в докладе экспертов yStats.com, денежный оборот электронной торговли В2С в России к 2018 достигнет 30 млрд евро. В этом году Россия вышла на пятое место в мире по…