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Cashless payment users in Europe surpass the 700 million mark as of 2023

In a recent report titled “Europe Online Payment Methods 2023“, leading Hamburg-based research company yStats.com unveils compelling insights into the dynamic online payment market of Europe, shedding light on key trends and projecting future market developments. The report highlights the growth of digital wallets within the online payment sphere, showcasing…

Global cashless transactions are projected to grow at approximately a 16% CAGR between 2023 and 2026

Global cashless transactions are projected to grow at approximately a 16% CAGR between 2023 and 2026, surpassing a two trillion mark in volume. The latest publication from Hamburg-based desk research company yStats.com, titled “Global Digital Payment Forecasts 2023-2027,” shares insights into the digital payment market development, latest trends, and global…

Real-time payment volume in Asia-Pacific is set to sevenfold from 2022 to 2027

yStats.com, a leading market research company based in Hamburg, specialized in online payments and E-Commerce, has released its latest report titled “Asia-Pacific Digital Payment Forecasts 2023-2027,” shedding light on the rapid evolution of the digital payment landscape, emerging trends, and insightful projections. The report also underscores the exponential growth of…

Latin America displays significant B2C E-Commerce market growth potential

The latest publication from Hamburg-based research company yStats.com titled “Global B2C E-Commerce Market 2023” shares insights into the B2C E-Commerce market development, latest trends, and forecasts worldwide, including the projected future market developments. Among many other details, the publication reveals that Latin America is forecasted to show the biggest B2C…

Retail E-Commerce sales in Western Europe are expected to exceed EUR 700 billion by 2026

Leading research firm yStats.com has released a new report titled “Europe B2C E-Commerce Market 2023,” providing comprehensive insights into the B2C E-Commerce landscape. The report focuses on global trends, developments, and projections within Europe, shedding light on the dynamic evolution of the digital retail sector. Online payments continue to dominate…

The B2C E-Commerce market in Asia-Pacific is projected to surpass EUR 4 trillion by 2027

In a new report titled “Asia-Pacific B2C E-Commerce Market 2023,” leading research firm yStats.com, based in Hamburg, shares insights into the B2C E-Commerce market development, latest trends, and forecasts worldwide, focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, including the projected future market developments. Asia-Pacific emerges as a driving force in B2C E-Commerce…

With in-store shopping gaining momentum once again, buyers are demanding digital payment methods at POS

The Hamburg-based market intelligence firm yStats.com recently published a new report, “Global POS Payment Methods and Trends 2023”, that summarizes the emerging trends and developments within the POS payment market. Some important highlights of the report include forecasts of proximity payment market size, number, and value of proximity mobile payment users across…

Consumers in Asia-Pacific are shifting away from traditional avenues and rapidly embracing the use of alternative digital payment methods at POS

Amid the dynamic intersection of consumer trends and technology, the newly released “Asia-Pacific POS Payment Methods 2023” report from yStats.com, a Hamburg-based market intelligence company, illuminates the evolving patterns of payment behavior in the region. The pervasive embrace of digital platforms is driving a diverse spectrum of purchasing approaches, catalyzing…

While cash remains prevalent at POS in Europe, contactless payments through credit and debit cards are experiencing a surge in popularity

In the ever-evolving landscape of consumer behavior and technology, the “Europe POS Payment Methods 2023” report, published recently by Hamburg-based market intelligence firm yStats.com, sheds light on the changing trends in payment habits across the continent. With the widespread adoption of digital channels, buyers are embracing diverse methods of purchasing,…

Global connected cars are to grow at double-digit CAGR between 2023-2027

The latest publication of Germany-based market intelligence firm yStats.com, “Global In-Car Payment Market and Trends 2023”, summarizes the emerging trends and developments within the in-car payments and mobility payments market. Some important highlights of the report include forecasts of the connected car solutions market size, the number of connected cars,…