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Marketplaces drive the growth of global cross-border B2C E-Commerce

Germany-based secondary market research firm yStats.com has released a new report titled “Global Cross-Border B2C E-Commerce 2018”. The publication covers the development of international digital shopping in 25 major markets worldwide and reveals that marketplaces play a key role in the growth of cross-border E-Commerce sales.

Cross-border online shopper penetration varies by country

Cross-border B2C E-Commerce sales are on the growth path worldwide, projected to account for one-fifth of overall online retail sales volume by 2022. This growth is driven by the rising number of online shoppers making purchases on foreign E-Commerce websites. The shares of overall digital buyers vary across the 25 countries covered in the yStats.com report. In Asia-Pacific, the leaders of the cross-border online shopping trend are buyers in Hong Kong and Singapore, while mainland China is also seeing increased rates of international purchasing. In Europe, smaller E-Commerce markets such as Luxembourg and Malta tend to have higher cross-border online shopper penetration rates, while in Latin America Peru ranked the highest of the six nations of the region surveyed in early 2018.

top ecommerce websites purchased from cross-border

Top E-Commerce companies foster the rise of cross-border online sales

The leading product categories purchased in cross-border online shopping include fashion and electronics, with cosmetics and beauty products also ranking high in some countries, such as the UAE. The yStats.com report also reveals that the top destinations for global cross-border online shoppers are online marketplaces operated by the world’s largest E-Commerce companiesAmazon, eBay and Alibaba. Overall, more than one-half of cross-border E-Commerce purchases take place on marketplaces, indicating an important role played by these platforms in the growth of cross-border online shopping.
