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Global Digital Health Market and Trends 2021


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Countries Covered: Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, UK, USA

Pages: 90

Publication Date: 23/11/2021

Questions Covered in the report:

  • What are the top trends in the digital health landscape globally?
  • How is the worldwide virtual healthcare market projected to develop by 2027?
  • What medical and wellness applications have the highest market share globally in 2021?
  • How do consumers feel about storing and sharing their health data in 2021?
  • What is the share of healthcare professionals that believe telemedicine will be among the top technologies to invest in through the next three years?

Key Findings:

Healthcare accelerates shifts towards digital during COVID-19: new yStats.com report.

The acceleration of the digital health market worldwide

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the global health industry realized the necessity of speeding the movement to digital space. Despite some implementation difficulties detailed in the new yStats.com publication, the market is set to follow an upward trend to online services in the next five to six years, growing at double-digit rates yearly across the globe. Moreover, the number of mobile applications available in online stores reached its all-time high in 2021, indicating the increasing consumer interest in virtual healthcare services. Among the top medical applications worldwide by the number of downloads were those for monitoring individuals’ “Mental health and behavioral disorders”, and such diseases as “Diabetes”, “Heart/circulatory system”, and “Digestive system”. Additionally, an integral part of the digital health sector, telemedicine, is among the main trends to be adopted and developed further in the near future, and already in 2021, more than half of global healthcare decision-makers believe that telemedicine is one of the health technologies with the highest investment. Furthermore, almost three-quarters of the healthcare leaders claimed that within the next three years, hospitals must increase their investment in AI as a digital health technology, according to a 2021 survey cited in the yStats.com report.

Following North America, other regions are catching up in digital health adoption during COVID-19

North America appears to be a trendsetter in the digital healthcare arena. The market in the United States was forecasted to outpace the global adoption rate through 2025. According to a 2021 survey, digital tools such as telemedicine are mostly used by US consumers to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist, a pediatrician, and an urgent care center. In Canada, more generally, “Receiving professional medical advice by telephone”, “Making appointments electronically”, and “Accessing websites, mobile apps or interactive online tolls” were the top digital health use cases at the end of 2020 and according to the same survey cited in the new yStats.com market report, around a third of Canadians said that they do not see any barriers to use digital health services. On the European landscape, Estonia, select Nordic countries, Austria, Germany, and the UK were considered as the role models for digital health innovation by healthcare professionals surveyed in 2020. Despite this, both in some of the market leaders and in other countries in the region, “Funding and costs” was seen as the main challenge in digital health services adoption and their further developments, along with “IT security & data privacy”, and “Integration within and across organizations”. In Asia, the digital health market growth rate between 2020 and 2025 was estimated to be faster than the global average, prompted especially by select major markets, such as China and India. Furthermore, remote patient support technologies that include telemedicine and remote monitoring, were expected to have the highest market value in Asia in 2025, as compared to other digital health solutions. However, the highest growth rate is to expect in the sector of providing digital therapies to patients, such as through digital pharmacies.

1. Management Summary

2. Global Market Overview

  • Top Trends in Digital Health, September 2021
  • Digital Health Market Size, in USD billion, 2020 & 2027f
  • Digital Health Venture Capital Funding, in USD billion, 2011 – 2020
  • Number of Digital Health Apps, 2013 & 2015 & 2017 & 2021
  • Digital Health Apps Breakdown, by Category, in % of Total, 2015 & 2017 & 2020
  • Breakdown of Digital Health Apps, by Disease, in % of Total, June 2021
  • Attitude Towards Storing Health Data, in % of Travelers, February 2021
  • Share of Healthcare Decision-Makers who Believe that Telemedicine is One of the Health Technologies with the Highest Investment, by Currently and in 3 Years, in %, February 2021
  • Share of Healthcare Decision-Makers who Believe that Hospitals Should Invest in AI as a Digital Health Technology in the next 3 Years, in %, February 2021
  • Share of Travelers Who Would be Comfortable Using Digital Health Passport for Future Trips, in %, in %, February 2021

3. North America

3.1. United States

  • Digital Health Market Size, in USD billion, 2021 & 2025f
  • Top Reasons to Choose Virtual Medical Appointments, in % of Consumers Who Attended at Least One Virtual Medical Appointment, March 2021
  • Top Challenges While Visiting Virtual Medical Appointments, in % of Consumers Who Attended at Least One Virtual Medical Appointment, March 2021
  • Top Use Cases of Fitness Trackers and Smartwatches, in % of Fitness Tracker or/and Smartwatch Owners and Users, March 2021
  • Settings in Which Medical Care was Received, by Ways to Receive the Care, in % of Respective Care Service, June 2021
  • Smartphone Usage for Health Management, in % of Smartphone Owners, March 2021
  • Intention to Continue Using Smartphones for Health Management, in % of Smartphone Users Who Started Doing Respective Activities Since COVID-19, March 2021
  • Share of Healthcare Decision-Makers who Believe that Telemedicine is One of the Health Technologies with the Highest Investment, by Currently and in 3 Years, in %, February 2021
  • Share of Healthcare Decision-Makers who Believe that Hospitals Should Invest in AI as a Digital Health Technology in the next 3 Years, in %, February 2021

3.2. Canada

  • Digital Health Services Used, in % of Respondents, December 2020
  • Aspects of Digital Health Valued by Respondents, in %, December 2020
  • Top Barriers to Using Digital Health Services, in % of Respondents, December 2020
  • Top Factors that Would Increase Use of Digital Services, in % of Respondents, December 2020

4. Europe

4.1. Regional

  • Top Countries that European Healthcare Professionals Consider as Role Models for Digital Health Innovation, by Type of Healthcare Professionals, in %, November 2020

4.2. Nordic Countries

  • Key Digital Health Challenges, in % of Healthcare Professionals, November 2020
  • Top Priorities for Healthcare Professionals, in %, 2021 & 2022/2023

4.3. Germany

  • Share of Healthcare Decision-Makers who Believe that Telemedicine is One of the Health Technologies with the Highest Investment, by Currently and in 3 Years, in %, February 2021
  • Share of Healthcare Decision-Makers who Believe that Hospitals Should Invest in AI as a Digital Health Technology in the next 3 Years, in %, February 2021
  • Top Priorities for Healthcare Professionals, in %, 2021 & 2022/2023
  • Key Digital Health Challenges, in % of Healthcare Professionals, November 2020
  • Digital Health Literacy, in % of Internet Users, October 2020
  • Plans to Use Digital Health Apps in the Future and Importance of the Publisher and Reviews, in % of Internet Users, October 2020
  • Selected E-Health Applications Penetration Rates, in % of Respondents, 2016 – 2020 & Q4 2020 & Q1 2021
  • Information Channels for E-Health Services, in % of Respondents, Q4 2020 & Q1 2021

4.4. Austria

  • Key Digital Health Challenges, in % of Healthcare Professionals, November 2020
  • Top Priorities for Healthcare Professionals, in %, 2021 & 2022/2023

4.5. United Kingdom & Ireland

  • Top Priorities for Healthcare Professionals, in %, 2021 & 2022/2023
  • Key Digital Health Challenges, in % of Healthcare Professionals, November 2020
  • Sources of a Digital Health Product Recommendation, in % of Respondents, 2020
  • Share of Digital Health Apps That Meet Quality Threshold, in %, 2020
  • Digital Health App User Penetration Rate, and App Satisfaction Rate, in % of Respondents, 2020
  • Share of Respondents Supporting the Move Toward Digital Health, by Age Group, in %, 2020

4.6. Spain

  • Key Digital Health Challenges, in % of Healthcare Professionals, November 2020
  • Top Priorities for Healthcare Professionals, in %, 2021 & 2022/2023

4.7. Switzerland

  • Key Digital Health Challenges, in % of Healthcare Professionals, November 2020
  • Top Priorities for Healthcare Professionals, in %, 2021 & 2022/2023

4.8. Italy

  • Key Digital Health Challenges, in % of Healthcare Professionals, November 2020
  • Top Priorities for Healthcare Professionals, in %, 2021 & 2022/2023

4.9. France

  • Share of Healthcare Decision-Makers who Believe that Telemedicine is One of the Health Technologies with the Highest Investment, by Currently and in 3 Years, in %, February 2021
  • Share of Healthcare Decision-Makers who Believe that Hospitals Should Invest in AI as a Digital Health Technology in the next 3 Years, in %, February 2021
  • Share of Respondents who Used Online Medical Appointments Platforms, in %, 2021
  • Share of Respondents who are Convinced that the Use of Online Medical Platforms Will Improve Their Medical Follow-up in the Future, in %, 2021

4.10. Netherlands

  • Key Digital Health Challenges, in % of Healthcare Professionals, November 2020
  • Top Priorities for Healthcare Professionals, in %, 2021 & 2022/2023

5. Asia

5.1. Regional

  • Digital Health Market Value, in USD billion, 2020 & 2025f
  • Digital Health Market size, by Product Category, incl. Value pool and Examples of Technologies, in USD billion, 2020 & 2025f
  • Registered Users Across the Top Emerging Health Platforms, in millions, 2020

5.2. China

  • Digital Health Market Value, in CNY billion, and Year-on-Year Change, in %, 2015 – 2021e
  • Share of Healthcare Decision-Makers who Believe that Telemedicine is One of the Health Technologies with the Highest Investment, by Currently and in 3 Years, in %, February 2021
  • Share of Healthcare Decision-Makers who Believe that Telemedicine is One of the Health Technologies with the Highest Investment, by Currently and in 3 Years, in %, February 2021
  • Share of Healthcare Decision-Makers who Believe that Hospitals Should Invest in AI as a Digital Health Technology in the next 3 Years, in %, February 2021
  • Digital Medication Services Preferred, in % of Consumers, January 2021
  • Digital Disease-Related Knowledge Channels Used, by Consumer Type, in % of Consumers, January 2021
  • Consumers’ Medical Preferences When Mildly Symptomatic, by Type of Consumer, in %, January 2021

5.3. India

  • Telemedicine Market Size, in USD million, 2010 – 2023f
  • Willingness to Book Telehealth Visits, by Age Group, in % of Respondents, 2020
  • Intention to Consult with Doctors in the Future, in % of Respondents, September 2020
  • Key Reasons for Choosing an Online Doctor Consultation in the Future, in % of Respondents, September 2020
  • 1MG
  • AliHealth
  • AliveCor
  • Alodikter
  • Apple
  • Babylon Health
  • Clover Health
  • Courtesy
  • CrossChx
  • Doctolib
  • Genoox
  • Good Doctor
  • Halodoc
  • Helix
  • JD Health
  • Just InTime Wellness
  • Karius
  • Maiia
  • MetLife
  • Microsoft
  • Navigenics
  • Neurotech
  • Pear Therapeutics
  • Ping An
  • Practo
  • Proteus Digital Health
  • Sensely
  • WeDoctor

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