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MENA B2C E-Commerce Market 2019


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Countries Covered: Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE

Pages: 161

Publication Date: 26/06/2019

Questions Covered in the report:
What are the largest B2C E-Commerce markets in MENA?
What is the growth projection for B2C E-Commerce sales in MENA until 2022?
Which factors contribute to the growth of online retail sales in the MENA countries?
Which products and payment methods are preferred by online shoppers in this region?
What are the most popular online shopping websites in the countries of MENA?

Key findings:

MENA’s B2C E-Commerce sales to double by 2022

B2C E-Commerce sales growth projections in MENA

B2C E-Commerce in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is nascent: only a small one-digit percentage of overall retail sales are online as of 2019. As the market has not yet lived up to its potential, rapid growth rates are projected for B2C E-Commerce sales in MENA with a forecast that by 2022, the market will be more than twice its 2019 size. Higher Internet and smartphone penetration rates are boosting digital connectivity of MENA’s consumers, while improving logistics and payments infrastructures lay the ground for future growth. At the same time, lack of trust in online shopping remains a major barrier for B2C E-Commerce development and helps cash on delivery maintain the lead over digital payment methods in many countries of the region, as the yStats.com report shows.

MENA’s Top 3 B2C E-Commerce Markets

The top two countries in MENA in terms of B2C E-Commerce market size in 2019 are Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Combined, these markets account for nearly two-thirds of the region’s online retail sales. Both Saudi Arabia and the UAE are projected to maintain strong double-digit growth rates through 2022. By the end of this period, the UAE is expected to achieve a double-digit penetration of E-Commerce in retail sales, according to a forecast cited in the yStats.com report. Egypt is a rising star of MENA’s B2C E-Commerce, with growth rates of above +30% between 2019 and 2022.

Leading Online Shopping Trends in MENA

M-Commerce and cross-border online shopping are the leading trends in MENA’s online retail landscape, according to the yStats.com report. More than 50% of digital buyers in the Middle East place orders using their phones, and a double-digit share of online shoppers in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and other countries, purchase from international sellers. The top global platforms used for digital shopping include Amazon and AliExpress. The former is also expanding local presence in the region following the acquisition of a leading local E-Commerce merchant Souq.com.

1. Management Summary

2. Regional

  • B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, and Year-on-Year Change, in %, 2017 – 2022f
  • B2C E-Commerce Sales in MENA, by Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Rest of GCC, Egypt, Rest of MENA, and Total, in USD billion, 2017 – 2022f
  • B2C E-Commerce Indicators in MENA, including Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Internet Users, Annual Purchase Frequency, in Units, Spending per Basket, in USD and B2C E-Commerce Penetration, in % of Total Retail Sales, by the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt in Comparison to the UK, China and USA, in %, 2017/2018
  • B2C E-Commerce Share of Total Retail Sales in MENA, by Saudi Arabia, the UAE, GCC and MENA, in %, 2017 & 2022f
  • Internet Penetration in MENA, in % of Individuals, by Selected Countries, 2017
  • Mobile Internet User Penetration in MENA, in % of Individuals, by Selected Countries, June 2018
  • Breakdown of B2C E-Commerce Sales by Product Categories, in %, 2019f
  • Breakdown of Devices Used for Online Shopping in the Middle East, in % of Online Shoppers, February 2018
  • Share of Online Shoppers in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and MENA Preferring Cash on Delivery, in %, 2018
  • Reasons for Preferring Cash on Delivery, in % of Online Shoppers, 2018

3. Saudi Arabia

3.1. Overview

  • B2C E-Commerce Market Overview and International Comparisons, March 2019

3.2. Trends

  • Shopping-Related Activities Carried Out Online, in % of Individuals, 2018
  • Breakdown of Preferred Online Shopping Destination, by International and Local Shopping Websites, in % of Online Shoppers, November 2017
  • Top 3 Countries Purchased From in the Latest Cross-Border Online Purchase, in % of Cross-Border Online Shoppers, 2018

3.3. Sales & Shares

  • B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, 2017 – 2022f
  • B2C E-Commerce Share of Total Retail Sales, in %, 2017

3.4. Internet Users & Online Shoppers

  • Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2017 – 2022f
  • Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Respondents, 2018e
  • Reasons to Switch From a Physical Store to Online Shopping, in % of Online Shoppers, 2018e
  • Top Barriers to Shopping Online, by Product Category, in % of Online Shoppers, 2017

3.5. Products

  • Product Categories Purchased Online, in % of Online Shoppers, 2018e
  • Food and Beverages E-Commerce Share of Total Food and Beverages Retail Sales, in %, 2018 & 2025f

3.6. Payment

  • Payment Methods Used in E-Commerce, in % of Online Shoppers, 2017

3.7. Delivery

  • Top Drivers of Online Shopping, by Product Category, in % of Online Shoppers, 2017

3.8. Players

  • B2C E-Commerce Players Overview, March 2019
  • Breakdown of B2C E-Commerce Market Shares by Player Types, in %, 2017
  • Top 5 Online Shopping Websites, incl. Total Number of Visits on Desktop and Mobile, in millions, Saudi Arabia’s Share of Total Visits on Desktop, in %, Average Visit Duration, Pages Per Visit and Bounce Rate, February 2019

4. UAE

4.1. Overview

  • B2C E-Commerce Market Overview and International Comparisons, March 2019

4.2. Trends

  • Share of Online Shoppers Who Purchased via Smartphone, in %, 2016 & 2018
  • Breakdown of Online Shoppers by Domestic Shoppers Only, Domestic and Cross-Border Shoppers, and Cross-Border Shoppers Only, in %, 2016 & 2018
  • Top Product Categories Purchased Cross-Border, in % of Cross-Border Online Shoppers, May 2018

4.3. Sales & Shares

  • B2C E-Commerce Sales, in AED billion, 2017, 2018 & 2023f
  • B2C E-Commerce Share of Total Retail Sales, in %, 2017

4.4. Internet Users & Online Shoppers

  • Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2017 – 2022f
  • Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2018e
  • Top 5 Reasons For Online Shopping, in % of Online Shoppers, November 2017

4.5. Products

  • Product and Service Categories Purchased Online, in % of Online Shoppers, 2017 & 2018

4.6. Payment

  • Share of Online Shoppers Paying by Cash on Delivery, in %, April 2018
  • Breakdown of Payment Methods Used in E-Commerce, in % of Respondents, 2017 & 2018

4.7. Delivery

  • Delivery-Related Options Encouraging to Online Shopping, in % of Online Shoppers, 2018

4.8. Players

  • B2C E-Commerce Players Overview, March 2019
  • Market Share of B2C E-Commerce Retailers by Type, in %, 2017
  • Top Online Shopping Websites, incl. Total Number of Visits on Desktop and Mobile, in millions, UAE’s Share of Total Visits on Desktop, in %, Average Visit Duration, Pages Per Visit and Bounce Rate, January 2019

5. Israel

5.1. Overview

  • B2C E-Commerce Market Overview and International Comparisons, April 2019

5.2. Trends

  • Breakdown of Internet Traffic by Device, in %, March 2019
  • Cross-Border Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Online Shoppers, May 2018
  • Top 3 Product Categories Purchased in Cross-Border Online Shopping, in % of Cross-Border Online Shoppers, May 2018
  • Top 5 Drivers for Cross-Border Online Shopping, in % of Cross-Border Online Shoppers, May 2018

5.3. Sales & Shares

  • B2C E-Commerce Spending, in ILS billion, 2017 & 2018
  • Breakdown of B2C E-Commerce Spending by Domestic and Cross-Border, in %, 2018

5.4. Internet Users & Online Shoppers

  • Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2011 – 2017
  • Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2018e

5.5. Payment

  • Breakdown of Payment Methods Used in E-Commerce, in % of Online Shoppers, 2018e

5.6. Players

  • Top 5 E-Commerce Platforms by Market Share, in %, 2017

6. Egypt

6.1. Overview

  • B2C E-Commerce Market Overview and International Comparisons, May 2019

6.2. Trends

  • Breakdown of Internet Traffic by Device, in %, 2018
  • Shopping-Related Activities Carried Out Online, in % of Individuals, 2018
  • Cross-Border Online Shoppers Penetration, in % of Online Shoppers, 12 Months to May 2018
  • Shopping-Related Activities Carried Out Online, in % of Individuals, 2018
  • Cross-Border Online Shoppers Penetration, in % of Online Shoppers, 12 Months to May 2018
  • Top 3 Product Categories Purchased Cross-Border, in % of Cross-Border Online Shoppers, May 2018

6.3. Sales & Shares

  • B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, 2017 – 2022f
  • B2C E-Commerce Share of Total Retail Sales, in %, 2017

6.4. Users & Shoppers

  • Number of Internet Users, in millions, and Penetration, in % of Population, 2015 – 2018
  • Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2017 – 2022f
  • Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Internet Users, 2018
  • Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2017 – 2022f
  • Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Internet Users, 2018

6.5. Payment

  • Share of Online Shoppers Paying by Cash on Delivery, in %, 2018
  • Top 5 Payment Methods Used in Cross-Border E-Commerce, in % of Cross-Border Online Shoppers, May 2018
  • Breakdown of Likelihood of Using Mobile Payments Next Year, in % of Internet Users, Q1 2018

6.6. Delivery

  • Top Barriers to Cross-Border Online Shopping, in % of Cross-Border Online Shoppers, May 2018

6.7. Players

  • Breakdown by B2C E-Commerce Sales by Retailer Types, in %, 2017
  • Top 5 Online Shopping Websites, incl. Total Number of Visits on Desktop and Mobile, in millions, Egypt’s Share of Total Visits on Desktop, in %, Pages Per Visit and Bounce Rate, April 2019

7. Iran

7.1. Trends

  • Breakdown of Internet Traffic by Device, in %, March 2019
  • E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion and in IRR trillion, 2017/2018

7.2. Sales & Shares

  • B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, 2019e & 2023f

7.3. Internet Users & Online Shoppers

  • Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2011 – 2017

7.4. Players

  • Breakdown of E-Commerce Companies, by Companies Selling Goods or Services, in %, 2017/2018
  • Number of Certified Online Shops, in thousands, 2013-2018e

8. Qatar

8.1. Trends

  • Breakdown of Internet Traffic by Device, in %, March 2019

8.2. Sales & Shares

  • B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, 2017 & 2022f

8.3. Internet Users & Online Shoppers

  • Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2011 – 2017

8.4. Players

  • Top 5 E-Commerce Websites, by Rank, March 2019

9. Kuwait

9.1. Trends

  • Breakdown of Internet Traffic by Device, in %, March 2019

9.2. Sales & Shares

  • B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, 2017 & 2020f
  • B2C E-Commerce Penetration, in % of Total Retail Sales, 2017

9.3. Internet Users & Online Shoppers

  • Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2011 – 2017
  • Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Internet Users, 2017

9.4. Players

  • Top 5 E-Commerce Websites, by Rank, March 2019

10. Morocco

10.1. Overview

  • B2C E-Commerce Market Overview and International Comparisons, May 2019

10.2. Trends

  • Breakdown of Internet Traffic by Device, in %, 2018
  • Smartphone Penetration, in % of Mobile Phone Owners, by Age Group and Total, March 2018

10.3. Sales & Shares

  • Number of E-Commerce Transactions Made with Bank Cards, in millions, and Value, in MAD million, by Domestic Credit Cards and Domestic and Foreign Cards (Total), 2012 – 2018

10.4. Internet Users & Online Shoppers

  • Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2011 – 2017
  • Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Internet Users, February 2017 & March 2018
  • Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Internet Users, by Living Area and Gender, March 2018
  • Breakdown of Number of Purchases Made Online per Year, in % of Online Shoppers, March 2018

10.5. Products

  • Top 15 Product Categories Purchased Online, in % of Online Shoppers, March 2018

10.6. Payment

  • Barriers to Shopping Online, incl. Payment-Related, in % of Internet Users, March 2018

10.7. Delivery

  • Top 5 Drivers for Shopping Online, incl. Delivery-Related, in % of Online Shoppers, March 2018
  • Problems Encountered When Shopping Online, incl. Delivery-Related, in % of Online Shoppers, March 2018

10.8. Players

  • Top 5 Online Shopping Websites, incl. Total Number of Visits on Desktop and Mobile, in millions, Morocco’s Share of Total Visits on Desktop, in %, Pages Per Visit and Bounce Rate, April 2019

 11. Lebanon

11.1. Trends

  • Breakdown of Internet Traffic by Device, in %, March 2019

11.2. Sales & Shares

  • B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, 2017 & 2020f
  • B2C E-Commerce Penetration, in % of Total Retail Sales, 2017

11.3. Internet Users & Online Shoppers

  • Internet Penetration, by Age Group, in %, 2018
  • Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Internet Users, 2017

11.4. Payment

  • Share of Online Shoppers Paying Online Compared to Cash on Delivery, in %, 2017

11.5. Players

  • List of Selected E-Commerce Companies, by Category, 2018

12. Jordan

12.1. Trends

  • Breakdown of Internet Traffic by Device, in %, March 2019

12.2. Sales & Shares

  • B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, 2017 & 2020f

12.3. Internet Users & Online Shoppers

  • Internet Penetration, by Age Group, in %, 2018
  • Online Shopper Penetration, in %, 2017e

12.4. Players

  • Top 5 E-Commerce Websites, by Rank, March 2019

13. Bahrain

13.1. Trends

  • Breakdown of Internet Traffic by Device, in %, March 2019

13.2. Sales & Shares

  • B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, 2017 & 2020f
  • B2C E-Commerce Penetration, in % of Total Retail Sales, 2017

13.3. Internet Users & Online Shoppers

  • Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2011 – 2017
  • Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Internet Users, 2017

13.4. Products

  • Top 5 Product Categories Purchased Online, in % of Online Shoppers, 2017

13.5. Payment

  • Barriers to Shopping Online, in % of Non-Online Shoppers, 2016 & 2017

13.6. Players

  • Top 5 E-Commerce Websites, by Rank, March 2019

14. Oman

14.1. Trends

  • Breakdown of Internet Traffic by Device, in %, March 2019

14.2. Sales & Shares

  • B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, 2017 & 2020f
  • Retail Sales CAGR, by Store-Based and Non-Store Retail, in %, 2018-2023f

14.3. Internet Users & Online Shoppers

  • Online Shopper Penetration, in %, 2017e

14.4. Players

  • Top 5 E-Commerce Websites, by Rank, March 2019
  • AliExpress Ltd.
  • Avito Holding AB
  • Dubizzle Ltd
  • Hennes & Mauritz AB
  • Jumia Technologies AG
  • Noon AD Holdings Ltd
  • Paypal Inc
  • Shufersal Ltd.
  • Visa Inc.
  • eBay Inc
  • Amazon.com Inc
  • Awok.com
  • Haraj.com.sa
  • Jarir Marketing Co
  • MasterCard Inc.
  • OLX Inc.
  • Sharaf DG LLC
  • Souq.com FZ-LLC
  • Zara Holding B.V.

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