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mobile payment trend worldwide

Global Mobile Payment Market to See Explosive Growth

The mobile payment market worldwide continued rapid growth in 2014, according to a new report by Hamburg based secondary research company yStats.com. The publication, „Global Mobile Payment Methods 2014“ discloses that while competition in the mobile payments field has intensified worldwide, acceptance and usage of in-store mobile payments and the…

Asia – Pacific region predicted to become the world’s largest B2C E-Commerce market

Hamburg-based business intelligence organization yStats.com, has published a new major report „Asia-Pacific B2C E-Commerce Market 2014“, indicating that this world region is the fastest growing online retail market. The diverse region is home to some of the most advanced B2C E-Commerce markets worldwide, such as Japan and South Korea, while…
top online travel markets

New online payment methods for travel provide alternatives to dominance of the credit card

The latest report published by Hamburg-based secondary research organization yStats.com “Global Online Travel Payment Snapshot 2014“, confirms that credit and debit card dominate in the vast dynamic market of online payment for travel and lodging, while alternative payment methods are slowly making inroads. Regarding these alternatives, yStats.com analyst Tatiana Teplova…

Online gaming increasing on mobile devices and social networks in emerging markets of Europe, Africa and the Middle East

A new publication by Hamburg-based secondary research organization yStats.com, “EMEA Online Gaming Market 2014”, reports a trend of gamers away from consoles and pre-installed PC games toward online and mobile games. This move to mobile and social is especially pronounced in emerging markets such as Eastern Europe, the Middle East…