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mobile payment trend worldwide

Diversity in Online Payment Methods in Europe

Hamburg-based secondary research organization yStats.com has published a new report “Europe Online Payment Methods: Second Half 2014”. The world’s third largest region by B2C E-Commerce sales shows wide diversity in terms of payment methods used in online shopping. While non-cash payment methods, especially credit cards, dominate in the Western sub-region,…

The Paypers: Asia-Pacific region registers both ecommerce and online payments boost

The online payments market in the Asia-Pacific region has registered growth, in tandem with an ecommerce boost, a recent report reveals. According to a research conducted by ystats.com, in China, online and mobile payments are dominated by local third-party payment providers, such as Alipay and Tencent. The number of online…


OVERVIEW OF THE RUSSIAN E-COMMERCE MARKET BY EXPERTS YSTATS.COM Original Title in Russian: ОБЗОР РОССИЙСКОГО РЫНКА ЭЛЕКТРОННОЙ КОММЕРЦИИ ОТ ЭКСПЕРТОВ YSTATS.COM Как сообщается в докладе экспертов yStats.com, денежный оборот электронной торговли В2С в России к 2018 достигнет 30 млрд евро. В этом году Россия вышла на пятое место в мире по…
mobile payment trend worldwide

Online Payments in the Asia-Pacific Region Grow with E-Commerce

A new publication from Hamburg-based secondary research organization yStats.com, “Asia-Pacific Online Payment Methods: Second Half 2014” reports that the online payment market is growing apace with global B2C E-Commerce. The Asia-Pacific region is expected to be the largest online retail market within a few years, so the growth of online…

e27: KerjaDulu’s Chris Liu wants to disrupt Indonesia’s job market

Indonesia, with its 250-million-strong population (far larger than many realise), also, unexpectedly, has a huge and growing jobs market. A recent report by McKinsey in September shows the country is on track to become the world’s seventh largest economy by 2030, ahead of the UK and Germany. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s Internet users are expected to hit 100…

The Paypers: Alibaba sales reach USD 2 bln after one hour in China’s Singles’ Day

Alibaba, an ecommerce company, has registered sales worth USD 2 billion in the first hour of Singles’ Day in 2014, the secondary market research agency yStats reveals. Moreover, the ecommerce company’s sales reached USD 9.3 billion during the whole Singles’ Day, and the total orders were 278 million, as compared…