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mobile payment trend worldwide

Digital payment services and cash on delivery are leaders among alternative online payment methods, according to yStats.com

According to a new global report from Germany-based secondary market research firm yStats.com, credit card is leading among online payment methods, but digital payment services and cash on delivery also hold strong positions in many markets. The market report, titled “Global Alternative Online Payment Methods: First Half 2016,” contains rankings…
mobile payment trend worldwide

Security is a major concern of online and mobile shoppers worldwide, new report from yStats.com reveals

A new report released by Germany-based secondary market research firm yStats.com, “Global Online Payment Methods: First Half 2016,” reveals the varying preferences of online shoppers worldwide with regard to payment methods. According to Yücel Yelken, CEO & Founder of yStats.com, “Multiple surveys show that security is a major consideration of…
mobile payment trend worldwide

Asia-Pacific leads in online and mobile payment innovation, according to a yStats.com report

A new publication by secondary market research company yStats.com, based in Germany, reveals that shoppers in Asia-Pacific are among global leaders in usage of digital payment methods. The report “Asia-Pacific Online Payment Methods: First Half 2016” also highlights the differences in payment method preferences of online shoppers across various countries…