web analytics

bongous.com: Shipping and Sales: Solutions for Global E-Commerce Growth

B2C global e-commerce is growing, and it presents both challenges and opportunities for the logistics sector. Today’s e-commerce market has enabled consumers to expect free (or almost free) shipping. As many e-tailers know, shipping internationally isn’t always feasible. So, how can global merchants keep up with customer expectations and provide efficient…

puromarketing.com: Are European companies using ecommerce losing the game against Chinese companies?

Are European companies using ecommerce losing the game against Chinese companies? Original title is spanish: ¿Están las empresas de ecommerce europeas perdiendo la partida frente a las empresas chinas? Pero las empresas y marcas chinas no solo están consiguiendo avanzar en ciertos puntos de forma más rápida que las marcas…

Europe of Different Speeds: B2C E-Commerce sales growth rates vary across the old continent

Germany-based secondary market research firm yStats.com has released a new report about the online shopping market in Europe. The publication, titled “Europe B2C E-Commerce Market 2016” reveals the different market developments and trends across the region. According to yStats.com’s CEO and Founder, Yücel Yelken, “The United Kingdom, Germany and France…