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mobile payment trend worldwide

Emerging markets in Asia outpacing advanced markets in the adoption of new online payment methods

A new report about the developments in online payments market in Asia-Pacific has been released by Hamburg-based secondary market research firm yStats.com. The publication, “Asia-Pacific Online Payment Methods: Second Half 2015” reveals that emerging markets in this region are ahead of advanced economies when it comes to the adoption of…
mobile payment trend worldwide

Alternative payment methods rival credit cards in European B2C E-Commerce

“Europe Online Payment Methods: Second Half 2015” is the title of the new report by Germany-based secondary market research specialist yStats.com. The report reveals the varying payment method preferences of online shoppers across Europe and highlights new market developments. As yStats.com’s CEO and Founder, Yücel Yelken, points out, “While credit…
mobile payment trend worldwide

Global online and mobile payments grow, while shoppers’ preferences continue to differ

A new report by Hamburg-based secondary market research company yStats.com reveals the various online payment method preferences of online shoppers worldwide. The publication, titled “Global Online Payment Methods: Second Half 2015” also shows that mobile payments are gradually taking off and competition in online and mobile payment fields is intensifying.…

toutiao.com: E-Commerce market developments in Southeast Asia

toutiao.com: E-Commerce market developments in Southeast Asia Original Title in Chinese: 东南亚电商市场发展情况简报 B2C电子商务在东南亚地区已呈快速增长之势,预计未来数年将保持两位数的增长。 一个著名的二级市场研究公司yStats.com,其最新发布了题为“2015年东南亚B2C电子商务市场报告”。该报告主要选取了电子商务发展迅猛的几个新兴市场国家印尼,马来西亚,菲律宾,新加坡,泰国和越南,这份报告是由德国B2C电商专家根据东南亚在线支付情况与在线零售份额做出的。 两位数的增长率 B2C电子商务在东南亚地区已呈快速增长之势,预计未来数年将保持两位数的增长。新加坡凭借其电商销售,再次在东南亚次区域确立了自己的领导地位。但同时,印尼可能接手这个领导地位,因为印尼的人口基数大,随着印尼互联网的普及,越来越多的在线购物者将从其庞大的人口基数中产生,这一点是新加坡不具备的。 预计,在接下来的三年印尼电子商务的销售额将占到东南亚国家的三分之一以上。 主要的玩家 东南亚电子商务领域的主要玩家主要是以下几种,在线零售商、平台商Lazada,在线分类广告平台OLX和服装商Zalora。 同时国际电商巨头亚马逊、阿里巴巴和eBay也是东南亚在线购物者经常光顾的网站。 (编辑:亿恩毛辉) 更多精彩内容,请关注亿恩微信:(enecnews)每天为您推送最新、最热干货! Read more at: http://toutiao.com/i6245092419025502722/