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mobile payment trend worldwide

Online Payment Methods Offered by DataCash Worldwide Vary by Country

Hamburg-based E-Commerce and Online Payments intelligence company yStats.com’s new publication, “DataCash (A MasterCard Company) Company Profile 2015: Online Payment Services” details that the international and local payment methods offered by DataCash vary by country as it operates around the world. UK-based DataCash processes payments across multiple channels and offers fraud…
mobile payment trend worldwide

Around Half of Online Transactions Processed by Digital River World Payments Are Generated in the Americas

Secondary research company yStats.com has published a new report in a series on online payment providers. The publication, “Digital River Company Profile 2015: Online Payment Services” details the services of the subsidiary of Digital River, Inc., as it covers various online market segments and offers pure gateway as well as fully…

Fzengine.com: In 2015 the global B2C e-commerce trends: clothing the largest proportion

In 2015 the global B2C e-commerce trends: clothing the largest proportion Original Title in Chinese: 2015年全球B2C电商趋势:服装占比最大 总部位于汉堡的市场研究公司ystats.com发布的一项最新研究表明,服装销售在网络零售中占比重最大。该公司的报告《2015年全球服装B2C电子商务发展现状》表明,买家购买最多的产品就是服装和消费类电子产品。为了争夺这一市场,网店、实体店和服装专卖店展开了激烈的竞争。 近年来,在世界各地如英国、俄罗斯、中国、印度、西班牙、意大利、土耳其、墨西哥等,服装都是网络零售业的热销产品。在一些发达国家如德国等,服装销售所占比重一直稳居首位。不过,在一些新兴市场如中东等,其比重明显低于消费类电子产品。2014年跨境电商B2C电子商务报告也反映了服装销售的火热程度,占到了跨境零售额的三分之一。 对于网店以及实体店服装零售商来说,移动端以及全方位渠道购物已成为重要环节。很多买家会花很多时间在网上挑选衣服和鞋子,不过最终购买也许会选择网店,也许会去实体店。在美国,网上挑选好后选择网购或者实体店购买的比例差不多。大部分德国买家表示他们买衣服网店和实体店都有,经常会比较两者的价格。在英国,“点击取货”的方式已成为买衣服时最常用的选项,并成为专卖店常用的促销手段。与此同时,在韩国,接近三分之一的消费者买衣服都是通过智能手机下单的,这表明,客户端网站、应用程序的优化以及为消费者提供跨渠道的无缝购物体验非常重要。 在中国和日本,大型网络零售商和集市化电商是消费者购买服装时的首选之地。在中国服装网络零售中,天猫占据着绝对优势,汇集了大批国内外服装品牌和卖家。在印度,2014年,Flipkart收购了时尚电商Myntra,亚马逊也在收购电商Jabong的谈判之路上。 在美国,消费者购买服装时,首先考虑的是大型零售商,其次才是鞋服品牌。2013年,Gap成为最大的网络零售服装品牌之一。在欧洲,德国网络零售商Zalando和Bonprix、法国网络零售商La Redoute和英国网络零售商Asos的经营已覆盖数个国家。在英国和德国,H&M、C&A、Marks&Spencer和Next是最受消费者欢迎的品牌。而在南非的服装销售中,Kalahari和Amazon占据着主导优势。在拉美,MercadoLibre和Dafiti已成为消费者网购服装的最终目的地。 Find out more: http://www.fzengine.com/dianshang/zx/2015-6-5/1041602.aspx
mobile payment trend worldwide

Chase Paymentech Serves More Than 300,000 Merchants with Online Payment Solutions

In a series of online payment company profiles, Germany-based research organization yStats.com reveals that Chase Paymentech offers payment processing and related services, specializing in customer-not-present transactions. “Chase Paymentech Company Profile 2015: Online Payment Services” also reports on the number of merchants from various online industries served by the company. Chase…
mobile payment trend worldwide

GlobalCollect, an Ingenico Group Company, Expands Through Partnerships and Adding New Local Payment Methods

GlobalCollect, based in Netherlands, provides online payment services as a subsidiary of Ingenico Group. It has a global reach with international and online payment local methods, as revealed in a new publication by Hamburg-based B2C E-Commerce and online payments intelligence company yStats.com: “GlobalCollect (An Ingenico Group Company) Company Profile 2015:…