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Singapore Likely to Concede Its Rank as the Leading B2c E-commerce Market in Southeast Asia

“Singapore B2C E-Commerce Market 2015” is the title of a new publication by German secondary market research company yStats.com. According to yStats.com’s CEO, Yücel Yelken: “Because of its advanced infrastructure, Singapore managed to become the largest B2C E-Commerce market in Southeast Asia despite its small population”. However, as other, more…

CardNotPresent.com: Report: European Cross-Border Sales Surge

Report: European Cross-Border Sales Surge By 2025, cross-border transactions will account for a quarter of all European e-commerce sales, according to a new report from German market research firm yStats. While the U.K., Italy, Spain and Russia have a significant share of online shoppers that make cross-border purchases at least…

Online Retail in the Philippines Is Spurred by Rising Internet Penetration, but Challenged by Infrastructure

The report “Philippines B2C E-Commerce Market 2015,” newly published by Hamburg-based secondary market research company yStats.com, specialized in market intelligence on B2C E-Commerce and Online Payments worldwide, provides insights into evolving online retail in the Philippines. The report finds that among the factors contributing to development of B2C E-Commerce in…

199it: yStats: 2016 Asia-Pacific region will account for 40 percent of global cross-border online retail sales

yStats: 2016 Asia-Pacific region will account for 40 percent of global cross-border online retail sales Original title in Chinese: yStats: 2016年亚太地区将在全球跨境在线零售销售额中占40% 199IT原创编译 yStats的报告“2015年全球跨境B2C电子商务”显示了全球跨境在线商务的最新趋势。根据报告,预计未来五年全球跨境电子商务市场将保持两位数增长率。 全球跨境B2C电子商务正在蓬勃发展,预计到2017年都将加速增长,之后 增速稍有放缓,但仍然保持两位数字增长率。直接在外国在线商家购买以获得更好的价格和商品推动了全球网络购物,阻碍境外购物的最大因素是报关费,更高的价 格和较长的快递时间。服装和鞋子是跨境购物最受欢迎的商品。 亚太地区将成为最大的跨境网络零售市场,2016年将在全球跨境销售额中占 40%。中国无论在跨境网购销售还是在购买方面都是一个重要的国家。约1/3的中国活跃网购者曾进行过跨境购买,而且中国电子商务平台阿里巴巴的 AliExpress在巴西、俄罗斯和其他一些国家也十分受欢迎。阿里巴巴的竞争对手京东也在致力于跨境网络销售的发展,已经开放了一个全球平台供海外商 人向中国在线销售商品,而且还发布了面向俄罗斯网购者的网站。 报告显示到2020年亚太地区将成为全球在线零售销售额最高的地区,占50%。该地区各国家跨境网络购物者普及率差异很大,澳大利亚普及率超过2/3,而印度尼西亚普及率只有一位数。 亚太地区其他主要B2C电子商务市场方面,日本和中国、美国的跨境网络交易 频繁,2014年日本出口这些国家的跨境B2C电子商务超过了进口。韩国,中国、美国也是其最大的跨境交易对象,但是更多的是服装和保健品。新兴东南亚市 场也参与到跨境网络购物中,以新加坡为首。 Find out more: http://www.199it.com/archives/379961.html