web analytics

Free Report of yStats.com Offers Exclusive Overview of Global B2C E-Commerce & Online Payment Markets

Hamburg-based market intelligence company yStats.com has announced a free report on global online payments and B2C E-Commerce trends. The report, titled “Global B2C E-Commerce and Online Payment Developments 2015” offers readers an opportunity to familiarize themselves with yStats.com’s unique market report structure and emphasizes the breadth of countries and global…

Omni-Channel Customer Engagement: Omni-Channel Support Transcends Virtual and Brick-and-Mortar Channels

Omni-Channel Support Transcends Virtual and Brick-and-Mortar Channels For many of us, it doesn’t seem that long ago that we first heard the phrase “e-commerce” and bought our first item online: usually a book or a CD. In technology years, however, it was eons ago. Amazon today is a retail giant…

marketingdirecto.com: Webrooming and showrooming, right (and left) hand of Omnichannel Retail

Webrooming and showrooming, right (and left) hand of Omnichannel Retail Original Title in Spanish: El webrooming y el showrooming, la mano derecha (y la izquierda) del retail omnicanal El creciente apasionamiento de los consumidores por los omnipresentes dispositivos móviles ha puesto literalmente patas arriba el universo delretail, donde la frontera que…

Internet World: Webrooming and Showrooming point worldwide/Webrooming und Showrooming punkten weltweit

Webrooming and Showrooming points worldwide Original Title in German: Webrooming und Showrooming punkten weltweit Webrooming, Showrooming und dazu immer mehr mobile Geräte, die im stationären Ladengeschäft zum Einsatz kommen. Das Stichwort des Handels der Zukunft lautet Omnichannel. Die Online- und Mobile-Durchdringung nimmt stetig zu. Hinzu kommen verbesserte technische Möglichkeiten und…