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Special Reduced Prices on Select B2C E-Commerce and Online Payments Reports

Hamburg-based secondary market research company, yStats.com, is pleased to announce significant discounts on popular market reports from 2015 and 2014! The yStats.com research team carefully watches for new developments in the fields of B2C E-Commerce and Online Payments to prepare our reports on global, regional and local trends in these…

Cashback Industry News: What’s new in online payments & systems?

Today we’re looking at what’s new and innovative in online payments, financial systems and e-commerce technologies. While mobile payments have revolutionized business, Africa has 52% of the world’s mobile payment transactions, showing the potential in developing countries. A Federal Reserve Board of Governors’ March 2016 study of US mobile financial services found24%…

CLEO Indonesia: The Future of Fashion

By Prihandhini Jika Anda memiliki sebuah fashion brand yang masih berjualan secara konvensional, mungkin ini saatnya Anda masuk ke dunia e-commerce. Bayangkan saja, angka penjualan e-commerce di kawasan Asia Pasifik pada tahun 2015, mencapai US$681,2miliar! Ini belum seberapa karena tahun ini angka tersebut diperkirakan akan meningkat menjadi US$855,7miliar. Berdasarkan data ystats.com,…

TechWeb.com.cn: The report shows that Chinese online payment users are 330 million people

The report shows that Chinese online payment users are 330 million people yStats新报告“2015年亚太地区网络支付”,显示了亚太地区网络支付领域主要趋势和市场发展情况。报告显示亚太地区已经成为全球移动支付使用量最多的地区。随着B2C电子商务快速增长,亚太地区网络支付领域仍然充满动力。在中国,网络支付用户在2015年中期就已经超过3.3亿人,占网民50%以上。支付宝和财付通等第三方支付服务仍然是中国网民使用最多的支付方式。在日本和韩国网络支付仍然以信用卡为主。同时,在印度等不那么发达的国家,现金支付仍然是主流。另一个受欢迎的网络支付方式是银行转帐,在印度尼西亚有2/3的网络消费者使用这种方式。 报告显示中国网上支付用户已经超过3.3亿人 从整体来看,亚太地区新兴市场对新支付方式的采用领先于发达市场。例如,2015年新兴国家使用移动支付的用户比例是发达国家的两倍。2015年中国是全球使用移动支付购买商品手机用户比例最高的国家;印度愿意使用网络货币的网络消费者比例最高。 亚太地区是全球移动支付使用领先地区,有些国家的移动支付普及增幅达到3位数。 Read more here: http://www.techweb.com.cn/data/2016-04-01/2308085.shtml

Technology Times: Most Nigerian online shoppers ‘prefer cash on delivery payment’

By: Elizabeth Edozie Most Nigerian online shoppers prefer cash on delivery to online payments method, according to insights from a new e-commerce market trend report. The report which was gathered from yStats’s report, states that while credit card is the payment method most used by online shoppers worldwide, in many emerging…