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Internet World: Asia is the largest e-commerce market / Original Title: Asien wird größter E-Commerce-Markt

Der Online-Handel in der Region Asien-Pazifik wird bis 2018 jährlich um 20 Prozent Umsatz zulegen – und damit den nordamerikanischen Markt an Bedeutung überflügeln. Die Jahre, in denen Nordamerika die umsatzstärkste Region im E-Commerce ist, sind gezählt. Das sagt das Hamburger Marktforschungsunternehmen yStats in seinem “Asia-Pacific B2C E-Commerce Market Report…

Money Morning: The 2 Best Chinese Stocks to Buy to Play the Nation’s $540 Billion E-Commerce Biz

Two of the best Chinese stocks to buy come from the country’s surging e-commerce industry – an industry that alone is expected to be worth $540 million by 2015, according to business intelligence firm China Briefing. Recent numbers reflect this upward trend… Online-shopping spending in China reached $298 billion last…

Australia and New Zealand rank high in B2C E-Commerce

A new publication by Hamburg-based business intelligence organization yStats.com, “Australia & New Zealand B2C E-Commerce Market 2014“, reports though smaller in population than some emerging B2C E-Commerce stars in the Asia-Pacific Region, these two countries do not falter in regional and global comparisons. Australia ranks among the top 5 countries…

South East Asian nations lead in markers of E-Commerce potential

A new publication by Hamburg-based business intelligence organization yStats.com, “South East Asia B2C E-Commerce Market 2014“, reports that South East Asia region is one of emerging E-Commerce stars with high growth potential. Its countries are each distinguished by high ranking on important measures of online retail development and the region…

India’s large population and growing Internet connectivity contribute to optimism for online retail take-off

A new publication of Hamburg-based secondary research organization yStats.com, “India B2C E-Commerce Market 2014”, reports that India’s online retail scene is one of the fastest growing in the world. Its large population base along with the growing internet and smartphone penetration contribute to the nation having the fourth highest B2C…

Malaysia’s infrastructure to boost B2C E-Commerce growth

The latest publication of Hamburg-based secondary research organization yStats.com, “Malaysia B2C E-Commerce Market 2014“, reports that Malaysia has one of the best developed infrastructures for B2C E-Commerce in South East Asia. Internet penetration, supported by government programs, is the second highest in the region, and its logistics system is among…