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Special Reduced Prices on Select B2C E-Commerce and Online Payments Reports

Hamburg-based secondary market research company, yStats.com, is pleased to announce significant discounts on popular market reports from 2015 and 2014! The yStats.com research team carefully watches for new developments in the fields of B2C E-Commerce and Online Payments to prepare our reports on global, regional and local trends in these…

New yStats.com report: B2C E-Commerce in the Middle East boosted by improving technology, payment and regulatory environments

A new report containing an overview of the B2C E-Commerce market size, forecasts, trends and competitors in the Middle East has been published by Germany-based secondary market research specialist yStats.com. The report, titled “Middle East B2C E-Commerce Market 2016”, reveals among other facts that the growth of online retail in…

Saudi Arabia’s B2C E-Commerce market to nearly double by 2020

Germany-based secondary market research organization yStats.com has released a new report with the title “Saudi Arabia B2C E-Commerce Market 2016”. This new publication sheds light on the online retail market size and growth potential in the Middle East’s largest economy. yStats.com’s CEO and Founder, Yücel Yelken, highlights that despite the…

New report by yStats.com: UAE leads B2C E-Commerce in the Middle East despite the small population

Germany-based E-Commerce and Online Payment market intelligence company yStats.com released a new report titled “UAE B2C E-Commerce Market 2016”. In this publication, the secondary market research specialist reveals the main characteristics of the online retail market in the UAE, important market trends and rankings of the E-Commerce competitors. The report…

The growth of B2C E-Commerce in Turkey attracts investors, according to a new report by yStats.com

A new report from Germany-based secondary market research company yStats.com, specialized on B2C E-Commerce and Online Payment market intelligence, highlights the recent growth and developments of the online retail market in Turkey. The publication, titled “Turkey B2C E-Commerce Market 2016”, contains major facts about this market, including online retail sales,…

The BRIC countries continue to lead in B2C E-Commerce growth, according to a new report by yStats.com

“BRIC B2C E-Commerce Markets 2016” is the title of the new report by Hamburg-based E-Commerce intelligence firm yStats.com. The publication details the main characteristics of the emerging online retail markets in the BRIC countries, such as sales, product categories, trends and market players. According to yStats.com’s CEO and founder, Yücel…

New report by yStats.com: Smaller markets in Latin America outperform Brazil in B2C E-Commerce growth

A new report by Germany-based secondary market research specialist yStats.com unveils the growing online retail market in Latin America. The publication, titled “Latin America B2C E-Commerce Market 2016”, features country rankings, sales forecasts and information about the preferences of online shoppers in this region. Furthermore, the report highlights that Latin…
mobile payment trend worldwide

New report by yStats.com: alternative online payment methods’ market share to grow

Hamburg-based secondary market research firm yStats.com has published a new report highlighting the development of alternative payment methods in global online shopping. The publication, “Global Alternative Online Payment Methods: Full Year 2015”, reveals that although credit card remains the leading online payment method, the global share of alternative payments is…
mobile payment trend worldwide

yStats.com: Security remains the main concern of global mobile payment users

According to a new report by Germany-based secondary market research firm yStats.com, payment security and data privacy continue to be the major factors influencing the adoption of mobile payment methods worldwide. The publication, titled “Global Mobile Payment Methods: Full Year 2015”, also reveals that emerging markets are often ahead of…
mobile payment trend worldwide

Payment by card rivaled by cash on delivery and mobile payment in Africa and the Middle East, says new report by yStats.com

Though online payments with credit cards are growing in the Middle East and Africa, cash on delivery remains a dominant payment method in many countries of the region. This is one of the findings of a new report by Germany-based secondary market research firm yStats.com. The report, titled “Middle East…